Week 4, Term 3 2021 - 3rd August 2021
APRE's Reflection
On Thursday we celebrated the Blessing and Opening for our sitewide capital re-development. Many hands, hearts and minds made this improvement to our school possible. It reminded me of this wise tale…
An old man was worried about his sons who were always quarrelling among themselves. In order to teach them a lesson he asked them to break a bundle of sticks tied together. After much effort and complaining, neither son could. Their father came forward quietly and he simply untied the bundle. Then they were able to break each stick easily enough.
It is said that the greatest power we have over darkness, is unity.
We stand together as a school community – united in our goal of education and learning from Christ to be ‘the best people we can be’. We have been supported since our inception by our parish community and it was wonderful to again enjoy a Youth Mass and pizza together last Saturday.
Our school community has been enriched by the support of so many over our 97 years, in so many varied ways and continues to welcome your support today. Although we may not be able to fully recognise every action, commitment, positive comment or service to our school, each of these contributes to who we are as a school and I thank you for these actions. Your hearts, minds and hands continue to cultivate the unity that we need to succeed.
Peace and blessings,
Mrs Terri Leotta
Blessing and Opening Photo Gallery
From our Principal - Mr Wes Rose
Health Guidelines for Students
A reminder to all parents that St Mary’s school and the Rockhampton Catholic Education Diocese follow all relevant QLD Health guidelines.
At this stage, we continue to operate in a COVID-normal environment, which is what we have experienced the past months. With the rapidly escalating situation in Qld, I refer parents to the QLD Health Website, which will provide the most up to date information pertaining to parents and students.
Again I ask that parents adhere to all relevant Qld Health requirements and keep students home if they are unwell. If students have a COVID test, they are not return to school until the results has been returned. If families have any queries, please consult the QLD Health Website or contact the school office.
Quote of the Week
"A pessimist is one who makes difficulties out of opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities out of difficulties."
-Harry Truman
First Holy Communion
The preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Communion at St Mary’s Parish will begin with a parent/child workshop on Tuesday 17th August at 5:30pm at St Mary's School.
Our second and final workshop will be on Tuesday 24th August at 5:30pm. Attendance at each of these events is required. All paperwork will be completed at our first workshop. We will meet at the same locations as per Confirmation Workshops.
The dates for the Sacrament are Saturday 4th, Saturday 11th or Saturday 18th September. (Children will be divided into 3 groups and allocated a date, in order to adhere to restrictions. Again, this will be in alphabetical order. *If there are special requests I will try to accommodate these)
Should our Covid restrictions change you will be sent a new email with our response.
Terri Leotta
Book Fair 2021
Monday 16th to Wednesday 18th August
School Library
8am - 3pm
Book Week Parade - Save the Date!
Book Week will officially run from 21st-27th August 2021.
St Mary’s will be holding its annual Book Week Parade during this week on Tuesday 24th August. This year’s theme is 'OLD WORLDS, NEW WORLDS, OTHER WORLDS'.
Students are encouraged to start thinking about their favourite book characters and how a creative costume might come to life for this celebration.
Sport News
Last week a group of St Mary’s students competed at the Mackay & District Athletics trials. It was great to have another opportunity to use the ARC and see the talent around our schools.
Congratulations to Charlie Galea ( Shot Put), Thomas Louw ( Discus) and Alexis Kavanagh (High Jump) on their selection in the Mackay team. The trio will next compete at the Capricornia Trials later this term.
Congratulations and good luck Charlie, Tommy and Alexis.
Mrs Caroline Kerrisk
HPE Teacher
Mackay Maths Competition
We formally congratulated our two Mackay Maths Competition teams at assembly last Friday.
Team 1: Sophia Della Torre, Kai Crisp, Levi Crisp, Josh Kaddatz, Millie Camilleri.
Team 2: Charlie Smith, Grace Bowyer, Yongkang Li, Max Reynolds, Romeo Elworthy.
Well done to these students on their participation and achievement in this region wide competition.
Mrs Belinda Battaia
George St Road Closure
Please see the attached letter outlining the upcoming road closure of George St at the Milton St traffic lights. The traffic change will be in place for approximately 4 weeks.
Student of the Week
Week 3 Term 3 Student Award Winners
Prep B | Charlotte | Being so confident to produce and share rhyming words in our Heggerty sessions. You are awesome! |
Prep C | Felix | Your reverence during our meditation sessions, you set such a wonderful example for your classmates. Thank you! |
1L | Mila | For the effort and concentration on all tasks in class. You are an awesome learner! |
1L | Rex | For the effort you are putting into your lovely handwriting. Keep up the great work! |
1P | Sinead | Your wonderful writing in class this week. You write neatly and try hard to spell tricky words correctly! |
1P | Theo | Always being ready to share your thoughts and ideas during our class discussions. Thank you Theo! |
2A | Jake | Your willingness to help out in and around the classroom. We appreciate your little acts of kindness, thank you Jake. |
2B | Nate | For displaying fantastic work habits and being a happy, friendly class member. |
3B | Brady | Your wonderful use of adjectives in your descriptive sentences. |
3M | Blake | His confidence and determination when partitioning numbers this week. You are an expert at breaking apart numbers! |
4K | Maddison | Your enthusiasm for learning and attention detail. Your role as class ‘Chairperson’ was executed brilliantly and was a great way to start our class talk presentations. Well Done! |
4P | Talei | Being a conscientious student who takes responsibility for your own learning and always tries your best. |
5L | Sonny | I love the way you've taken on board the technical work involved in blending colours during visual arts lessons. Your focused effort is truly reflected in your work. Van Gogh would be proud! Great work!! |
5L | Suporna | It is so wonderful to see your enthusiasm for your learning and your eagerness to learn from and work with your teachers. Keep up the wonderful effort!! |
5R | Joshua | The phenomenal way you represented St Mary's in the Mackay Mathematics Competition. Your problem solving skills were put to the test and you were a true asset to your team. Well done! |
5R | Yongkang | The phenomenal way you represented St Mary's in the Mackay Mathematics Competition. Your problem solving skills were put to the test and you were a true asset to your team. Well done! |
6M | Hugo | Being a problem solving wiz. Your take a methodical and logical approach when solving complex problems. |
6M | Brooklyn | Your positive and enthusiastic approach to all areas of your education. You never give up and you strive to achieve your very best. |
6V | Ned | Making excellent progress when solving harder maths problems. Great work Ned. |
6V | Sarah | The interest and enthusiasm you are showing when completing your Genius Hour Olympic task. Well done!! |